
  • Abdul Aziz Khan
  • Khalid Khanzada
  • Shahid Ayub
  • Mumtaz Ali


Background: Development of transpedicular screw fixation techniques and instrumentation systems
has brought short-segment instrumentation (fixation of one normal vertebra above and below an
injured segment) into general clinical practice. The purpose of this study is to report the surgical
outcome of thoracolumber fractures treated with short-segment pedicle instrumentation. Methods: A
retrospective review of all surgically managed thoracolumbar fractures during two years was
performed. The 84 surgically managed patients were instrumented by the short-segment technique.
Patients charts, operation notes, preoperative and postoperative radiographs, computed tomographic
scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was done. Neurological findings (Frankel functional
classification), and follow-up records up to 6 months were reviewed. Results: Transpedicular
fixation was performed in 84 cases including 52 male and 32 female with male to female ratio 1.6:1.
Mean±SD of age was 40±13.75 years (range15-60). The level of injuries was different in different
age groups. Outcome was assessed on Frankle grading. No patient showed an increase in
neurological deficit. Most of the patients showed improvement to the next grade. Screw breakage
occurred in 8 cases, bed sores in 16 cases and deep vein thrombosis in 3 cases. Misplaced screw in
5 cases. Eight cases got wound infection. Conclusion: Although long term follow-up evaluation
needs to verified, the short term follow-up results suggest a favourable outcome for short-segment
Keywords: Pedicle screw instrumentation, Thoracolumbar fracture, Short-segment, Fixation.


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How to Cite

Khan, A. A., Khanzada, K., Ayub, S., & Ali, M. (2008). SURGICAL OUTCOME OF TRANSPEDICULAR FIXATION IN THORACOLUMBER FRACTURES. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 20(4), 104–107. Retrieved from

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