
  • Sajid Nazir Bhatti
  • Shahid Ayub
  • Ahsan Aurangzeb
  • Anwar Ul Haq
  • M. Jamil
  • Johar Ali
  • Ayesha Ahmad
  • M. Kashif


Background: Deep seated lesions of the brain cannot be approached by conventionalneurosurgical approach stereotactic system offers minimally invasive and accurateapproach to such lesions. This study was carried out with an objective to determine thesafety, efficacy and diagnostic yield of stereotactic biopsies of brain lesions using BrownRoberts-Wells (BRW) system. Methods: This study was carried out in patients withintracranial lesions at Ayub teaching hospital Abbottabad from September 1999 toOctober 2003. Suitable patients with intra cranial lesions underwent computerized stereotactic biopsy with BRW system. Tissue specimens were analyzed in histopathologydepartment of the Ayub Medical College and results were obtained. Data was analyzedvia computer software SPSS 8.0 version for windows. Results: Fifteen patients wereselected for stereotactic brain biopsy. Age ranged from 15 years to 54 years. Among them09 (60%) were male and 06 (40%) were female patients. Out come of the procedure washighly promising in terms of safety and positive diagnostic yield in 14 patients (93.3%),and histopathalogical validity of results (93.3%). Only one patient suffered mildneurological deficit (6.7%), one patient had inconclusive tissue diagnosis and invalidresult (6.7%). biopsy proven lesion was astrocytoma in 04 patients (26.7%), anaplasticastrocytoma in 04 (26.7%), gliomatosis in 02 (13.3%), tuberculomas in 03 (20.0%),metastatic adenocarcinomas in 01 (6.7%) and lymphoma in 01(6.7%). Conclusions: Weconclude that computerized stereotactic brain biopsy is safe and effective procedure witha high diagnostic yield at our center.Key words: Computerized stereotactic biopsy, brain, Brown-Roberts-Wells (BRW)system,


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