P-ISSN: 1025-9589
E-ISSN: 1819-2718
Guideline for Reviewers
To critically, yet constructively review and evaluate the manuscripts within the specified time. Review need to prepare necessary comments on the reviewers proforma. This evaluation encompasses the following important areas:
- Assessment of the originality and importance of manuscript
- The manuscript is written as per the guidelines of JAMC under specified headings.
- The methodology is proper or not
- Introduction is explains the topic well
- Results are properly chalked out and written. Figures and tables of results are appropriate
- Discussion portion compares the study to relevant published research
- References are properly quoted in Vancouver style
The reviewer comments on overall quality of the manuscript as well.
Reviewer responds to editors and give their final verdict in following ways:
- Accept the manuscript as such
- Manuscript needs minor corrections
- Manuscript need major corrections
- Manuscript is not suitable for publication
Reviewers are required to declare to the editor any potential conflicts of interest with respect to
It is the responsibility of reviewer to keep the manuscript and its review a confidential and not to show it or share it with anyone without prior permission of managing editor.
• Each reviewer may be rewarded by being publicly thanked for reviewing in the journal each year and will be given free copies of journal.