
  • Muhammad Faheemuddin
  • Nazia Yazdanie
  • Muhammad Sohaib Nawaz


Oral Health Related Quality of Life is an important component in the treatment of a patient. Patients with multiple impairments have a compromised quality of life, which is further worsened by ablative maxillary surgery. A properly made oral prosthesis aids in the daily life functions and therefore, has a positive impact on the quality of life of the patient. This article discusses a case in which prosthodontic treatment improved the Oral Health Related Quality of Life in a maxillectomy patient having multiple impairments.Keywords: Quality of life, Oral Health Related Quality of Life, maxillectomy, multiple impairments, palatal obturator


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How to Cite

Faheemuddin, M., Yazdanie, N., & Nawaz, M. S. (2014). IMPACT OF PROSTHODONTIC TREATMENT ON THE ORAL HEALTH RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN A MAXILLECTOMY PATIENT WITH MULTIPLE IMPAIRMENTS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 26(2), 246–251. Retrieved from