
  • Muhammad Mukhtar Khan Department of Neurosurgery, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar
  • Mewat Shah Department of Neurosurgery, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar
  • Abdul Aziz Khan Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad
  • Riaz ur Rehman Gaju Khan Medical College, Swabi
  • Shahid Ayub Department of Neurosurgery, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar
  • Ayaz Ahmad Department of Neurosurgery, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar
  • Atif Aman Department of Neurosurgery, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar
  • Muhammad Ali Shah Department of Neurosurgery, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar


Background: Hydatid cyst of the brain is a serious zoonotic parasitic infection which have profound health consequences if left untreated. The surgical excision of the cysts are rewarding for both the patient the neurosurgeon. Methods: The study was conducted prospectively at Department of Neurosurgery Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar from January 2013 to December 2014. Patients with a diagnosis of intracranial hydatid cysts were included, clinical and radiological features recorded, intervention and postoperative outcome were analysed. Results: Eleven patients with a male to female ratio of 1.7:1. Mean age was 12.4 (SD±6.5) years with median GCS on arrival of 10 (SD±2.5). Clinical features were headache (81.8%), vomiting (90.9%), seizures (36.4%), focal deficits (54.5%) and papilloedema (72.7%). The median GCS on discharge was 13 (SD±1.1) while GOS at 1 month follow up was 4 (SD±0.7). The bivariate analysis showed inverse correlation (R2=-0.68; p=0.02) between duration of symptoms and outcome while GCS on admission was positively correlated (rs=0.75; p=0.007) with the outcome. There was no mortality. Conclusion: Despite its rarity the clinical features are non-specific while radiological features help in establishing diagnosis. Earlier diagnosis and prompt intervention is the key to favourable outcome.


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How to Cite

Khan, M. M., Shah, M., Khan, A. A., Rehman, R. ur, Ayub, S., Ahmad, A., … Shah, M. A. (2016). CLINICAL FEATURES AND OUTCOME ANALYSIS OF INTRACRANIAL HYDATID CYSTS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 28(1), 39–43. Retrieved from