
  • Nusrat Baigum Superior college department of nursing lahore
  • Syeda Sidra Tasneem Superior College Department of Nursing
  • Kalsoom Allah Ditta Superior College Department of Nursing
  • Wajiha Israr Superior College Department of Nursing


Background: Diabetes mellitus has a major role in developing acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). The study was conducted with the aim to determine the frequency of diabetics in patient developing AKI among patients undergoing CABG. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 120 consecutive patients from Punjab Institute of Cardiology who underwent CABG from March 2018 to May 2018. At the end 101 patients were included for analysis as the rest had missing data. SPSS 20.0 was used to analyse the data. Results: A total of 101 patients were analysed among whom, 52% developed AKI, 34 (33.6%) of the patients with co-morbidity of diabetes mellitus developed acute kidney injury whereas 20 (19%) of the patients without diabetes mellitus developed AKI (Odds Ratio=2.5, 95% CI 1.04 to 6.05, p=0.024).Conclusion: The study concluded that the risk of AKI is significantly higher among patients with diabetes mellitus undergoing CABG.

Keywords: Acute kidney injury (AKI); Coronary arteries bypass grafting (CABG); Diabetes mellitus

Author Biographies

Nusrat Baigum, Superior college department of nursing lahore

Staff nurse BS-16 Intensive care unit Punjab institute of cardiology lahore

Syeda Sidra Tasneem, Superior College Department of Nursing

Nursing Director

Superior College Department of Nursing

Kalsoom Allah Ditta, Superior College Department of Nursing

Charge Nurse BS:16

Jinnah Hospital Lahore

Wajiha Israr, Superior College Department of Nursing

Charge Nurse BS:16

Services Hospital Lahore


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How to Cite

Baigum, N., Tasneem, S. S., Allah Ditta, K., & Israr, W. (2019). FREQUENCY OF DIABETES MELLITUS IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY UNDERGOING CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFTING. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 31(3), 445–447. Retrieved from