
  • Syed Mushtaq Gilani


An early ventilator or respiratory' assistor was
invented by Janeway1 in 1913. Crafoord-a thoracic
surgeon reported on his Spiropulsator along with
Anderson2 launching the ventilator for intermittent
positive pressure ventilation (IPPV)in the intensive
therapy unit. Under the guidance of Prof. Macintosh
and his department at oxford anaesthetists became
clinicians who best understood the ventilation and so
began the anaesthetist's involvement in ICU.
Guillaine-Barre syndrome, noted first by Landy in
1859 and subsequently by Guillain, Barre and Strohl
in 1916, may best be described as an Acute
Inflammatory' Polyradiculoneuropathy 3 with a
prevalence of approximately. 1.5 per 100,000 of
population. It may affect individuals of any age4. The
disease is self-limiting, the main life threatening
problem in AIP is acute respiratory- failure resulting
from respiratory' muscle weakness and may need
artificial ventilation.
What follows is our experience of mechanical
ventilation of two cases of AIP (Guillain- Barre
syndrome) in the ICU of SK Institute of Medical
Sciences, Srinagar (Kashmir).


Janeway HH. Intra Tracheal anaesthesia, Ann Surg .1913,


Anderson S, Crafoord C, Freehner P A new and practical

method of producing rythmic ventilation during positive

pressure anaesthesia with description of the apparatus Acta

Otolaryngnol scand 1940,28: 95

Hughes RA Acute Inflammatory polyneuropathy Br. J.

Hosp Med 1978,20: 688

Lesser RP. Hauser WA. Kurland LT & Mulder DW

Epidemiologic features of Guillain-Barre syndrome,

experience in Olmsted County, Minnesoto Neurology 1973,


Asbury AK, Amason BGW, Karp HR & McFarllin DE.

Criteria for diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome. Ann.

Neurol. 1978,2: 565

Hughes RA, Newson-Davis J, Perkin JM. Controlled trial of

prednisolone in acute polyneuropathy. Lancet. 1978, 2: 750

Parker MM, Shubert W, Shelhamer JH et, al.''Perceptions of

a critically ill patient experiencing therapeutic paralysis in an

ICU. CritCare Med. 1984, 12: 69-71

Loh L. Neurological and neuromuscular disease. Br. J.

Anaesth. 1986,58: 190-20

How to Cite

Gilani, S. M. (2000). MECHANICAL VENTILATION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF GUILLAINBARRE SYNDROME IN ICU. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(1). Retrieved from