
  • Muhammad Tayyab
  • Arif Rashid Malik
  • Abdus Salam Khan


Du is the phenotypic term used to denote a weakened expression of the D antigen. Du originally defined as those red
cells reacting with anti-D only when a more sensitive indirect antiglobulin test was used. Du phenotype can arise from
three different genetic situations, a) A person may inherit a gene coding for weakened quantitative expression of Du
antigen, b) One gene may interact with another to modify and weaken the expression of the D antigen, c) A gene may
not code for the total material that makes up the antigen. The frequency of D'1 antigen is relatively low less than 1%.
D" is a poor immunogen, however, accelerated destruction of Du red cells can result if transfused to a person already
making anti-D. Hence Du donor units are currently labelled as Rah positive. Du recipients are labelled as Rah negative.
Newborn of Rah negative mother is tested for D & Du and Rh Ig is recommended for mothers of D positive or Du
positive infants in order to prevent potential immunisation. The terms Du variant or partial D'; are recommended when
there is both a qualitative and quantitative difference noted in the D antigen.


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How to Cite

Tayyab, M., Malik, A. R., & Khan, A. S. (2000). Du PHENOTYPE - A REVIEW. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(3). Retrieved from https://demo.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/5182