
  • Muhammad Parwaiz Sandila
  • Atta Muhammad Chandio
  • Syed Tousif Ahmed
  • Ali Akbar Rahu
  • Amir Hamzo Dahri


Background: This work was done to study the usefulness of heart rate response to standing from a lying posture as a
simple bedside/outpatient maneuver in patients with diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Methods: It was a prospective
randomized study of 43 patients suffering from diabetes mellitus conducted at Diabetic outpatient clinic, Jinnah
Postgraduate Medical Centre. Karachi. Results: The heart rate response, expressed as RR30/RR1 5 ratio in normal
subjects was 1.20±0.01, in diabetics without autonomic neuropathy 1.18±0.01 and in diabetic with autonomic
neuropathy 0.98±0.01. Resting heart rate per minute in normal subjects was 72.68±1.39, in diabetics without
autonomic neuropathy 76.66±1.43 and in diabetics with neuropathy 87.54 ± 1.53. Both RR30/ RR15 ratio and resting
heart rate in diabetic with autonomic neuropathy were highly significant (p<0.001) when compared with the
corresponding values of normal subjects and diabetics without autonomic neuropathy. Conclusion: Heart rate
response to change in posture is a useful and simple test that can be employed as a bedside or outpatient maneuver to
diagnose autonomic neuropathy in diabetes by a conventional electrocardiogram


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How to Cite

Sandila, M. P., Chandio, A. M., Ahmed, S. T., Rahu, A. A., & Dahri, A. H. (2000). IMMEDIATE HEART RATE RESPONSE TO STANDING: A SIMPLE TEST FOR DIAGNOSIS OF AUTONOMIC NEUROPATHY IN DIABETES. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(3). Retrieved from