
  • Atta Muhammad Chandio
  • Pervaiz Sandelo
  • Ali Akbar Rahu
  • S. Tousif Ahmed
  • Amir Hamzo Dahri
  • Rashida Bhatti


Background: Snake bite is a common medical emergency in Sindh rural and the epidemiological features and
management of the cases vary from region to region. This survey was conducted to see the community practices
regarding the management of snake bite cases. Methods: We conducted a community based survey from 200 villages
from six different districts of Sindh. Results: 74.5% of snake bite cases seek the treatment from local doctors while
25.5% use the other measures. 92% of the cases use different First Aid measures while 8% were not using any First
Aid measures. 55.5% of the people know about the Anti Snake Venom (ASV) white 45.5% do not know about it.
Only 49% of the people were using different preventive measures against snake bite.


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How to Cite

Chandio, A. M., Sandelo, P., Rahu, A. A., Ahmed, S. T., Dahri, A. H., & Bhatti, R. (2000). SNAKE BITE: TREATMENT SEEKING BEHAVIOUR AMONG SINDH RURAL POPULATION. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(3). Retrieved from