
  • Mir Muhammad Sohato
  • Ghulam Murtaza Rajper
  • Abdul Qayoom Memon
  • Gulshan Menton
  • Muhammed Tayab
  • Haleemuddin Khan


The study was carried on 60 albino rats of 8 weeks' age. These rats were divided into five (n=
12) each groups. Low Fat (LF) (5%) diet group and High Fat (HF) (20%) diet groups i.e.
Olive Oil (00), Corn Oil (CO) & Butter Fat (BF) group respectively. I IF diet was given for 12
weeks and then the diets were admixed with cholesterol and Propylthiouracil fat for the next
20 weeks. LF diet group were divided into two groups after 12 weeks. Once received LF diet
and the other received HF diet with cholesterol and PTH. In our study the serum cholesterol
level increased in HF (20%) diet group. The LF (5%) diet, CO (20%), OO (20%) decreased
the serum cholesterol level before the supplementation of atherogenic elements but it slightly
increased the serum cholesterol level after atherogenic supplementation. On the other end BF
diet increased the serum cholesterol level before and after atherogenic supplementation.
However, the tissue cholesterol level increased 3 fold in all type of tissues in BF diet group as
compared to other diet groups. Least rise in tissue cholesterol level were seen in CO diet group.


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How to Cite

Sohato, M. M., Rajper, G. M., Memon, A. Q., Menton, G., Tayab, M., & Khan, H. (1999). LONG TERM EFFECTS OF DIETARY FAT/OILS ON SERUM AND TISSUE CHOLESTEROL LEVEL IN ALBINO RATS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 11(1). Retrieved from https://demo.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/5093