
  • Samira Ajmal
  • Muhammad Ayub Khan
  • Huma Jadoon
  • Saleem A. Malik


Background: Maxillofacial trauma is very frequent and associated with a high incidence of
mandibular fractures. Although there is universal agreement as to the treatment goals and basic
therapeutic principles of reduction and stabilization, a variety of currently accepted treatment
modalities indicate a lack of consensus. The authors evaluate the incidence, etiology, management
and complications of 344 mandibular fractures in 228 patients treated in the Department of Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad,
Pakistan, during a three year period. Indications and techniques for closed and open treatment of
mandibular fractures are reviewed along with any complications of these fractures or their
management. Methods: A total of 344 mandibular fractures in 228 patients were included in this
study. The sex, age, etiology, presentation, fracture characteristics, associated injuries, various
methods of management and any pre or postoperative complications were evaluated. Results:
Although various devices and techniques have been used to treat these fractures, modern plate and
screw fixation systems have proved to provide the best rigid stabilization, early mobility and
associated with least complications. There was a satisfactory bone healing in all the patients and a
minimal complication rate associated with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF).
Conclusion: Mandibular fractures occur with high frequency in road traffic accidents and
interpersonal violence. They are among the most common types of facial fractures treated by the
plastic surgeons. They must be managed carefully to maintain the function of the mandible, reestablish proper occlusion, and minimize secondary complications. Open reduction and internal
fixation has proven to be the most effective method for treatment of mandibular fractures.
Key Words: Maxillofacial; Trauma; Fracture; Mandible; Management


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How to Cite

Ajmal, S., Khan, M. A., Jadoon, H., & Malik, S. A. (2007). MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL OF MANDIBULAR FRACTURES AT PAKISTAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 19(3), 51–55. Retrieved from