
  • Shahid Shuja Qazi
  • Manzoor Ahmed Manzoor
  • Rizwan Qureshi
  • Bilal Arjumand
  • Syed Muzammil Hussain
  • Zulqarnain Afridi


Odontogenic cutaneous sinus tract is a rare but well documented condition. It is usually
misdiagnosed as a local skin lesion and maltreated by systemic antibiotics and/ or surgical
excision with eventual recurrence. This is because the primary etiology is incorrectly determined.
We came across a 38 year old patient who presented with a cutaneous lesion on her left cheek with
frequent purulent discharge and was not responding to systemic antibiotics. The case history,
diagnosis and management of this condition is presented here.
Key words: Nonsurgical endodontic therapy, odontogenic, cutaneous sinus


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How to Cite

Qazi, S. S., Manzoor, M. A., Qureshi, R., Arjumand, B., Hussain, S. M., & Afridi, Z. (2006). NONSURGICAL ENDODONTIC MANAGEMENT OF CUTANEOUSLY DRAINING ODONTOGENIC SINUS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 18(2), 88–89. Retrieved from