
  • Raheel Ahmad Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi
  • Muhammad Salman Shafique Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi
  • Zohra Akram Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi
  • Usman Qureshi Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi
  • Jahangir Sarwar Khan Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi


Isolated duodenal injury after blunt abdominal trauma is a very rare entity. In contrast to penetrating injuries, duodenal injuries after blunt trauma are difficult to diagnose. Early diagnosis and management is required to prevent high morbidity and mortality associated with these injuries. We present three young patients of blunt abdominal trauma with an isolated injury to duodenum in which primary repair of perforations were done with good outcomes.

Keywords: Duodenal injuries, blunt trauma, primary repair

Author Biographies

Raheel Ahmad, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi

Postgraduate Trainee, Surgical Unit-I

Muhammad Salman Shafique, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi

Postgraduate Trainee, Surgical Unit-I

Zohra Akram, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi

Postgraduate Trainee, Surgical Unit-I

Usman Qureshi, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi

Assistant Professor, Surgical Unit-I

Jahangir Sarwar Khan, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi

Professor, Surgical Unit-I


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How to Cite

Ahmad, R., Shafique, M. S., Akram, Z., Qureshi, U., & Khan, J. S. (2016). ISOLATED DUODENAL INJURIES AFTER BLUNT ABDOMINAL TRAUMA. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 28(2), 400–403. Retrieved from