Supravesical hernias are very rarely seen and reported as a possible cause of small bowel obstruction. The proper diagnosis of which is usually made intra-operatively as the preliminary diagnosis despite the availability of advanced radiological investigations which are not very helpful. There are two anatomical variants of supravesical hernias, of which internal one usually presents as small bowel obstruction. We present a case of 62 year old man, presented to us in emergency with three day history of absolute constipation, abdominal distention, and vomiting. On exploratory laparotomy, the terminal ileum loops were retrieved from the supra-vesical hernial defect by gentle traction and the defect was closed. Post-operative period remained uneventful. Supravesical hernias though very rare still can be a possible cause of small bowel obstruction. The diagnosis is usually made per operatively where the bowel loops are seen to be strangulated in the hernia defect.
Keywords: Supravesical hernia, intestinal obstruction, exploratory laparotomy
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