
  • Shahzad Shams
  • Rizwan Masood Butt
  • Nazir Ahmed


Stereotactic aspiration is a valuable surgical alternative for colloid cysts. From Oct 1994 to Oct 1995, 5 patients had computerized tomography-guided stereotactic removal of colloid cysts. Leksell CT compatible stereotactic frame was used with complete removal in 2 and partial removal in 3 cases. Volume of colloid material removed ranged from 3-6 ml. Average time spent in hospital was 7 days. No mortality and minimal morbidity was seen. There is no evidence of recurrence in average follow up of 8 months. Stereotactic removal of colloid cysts is safe and provides a new option for management of colloid cysts.


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How to Cite

Shams, S., Butt, R. M., & Ahmed, N. (1996). STEREOTACTIC MANAGEMENT OF COLLOID CYSTS OF 3RD VENTRICLE. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 8(1), 6–8. Retrieved from