
  • M. Saqib Lodhi
  • M. A slam Khan
  • Manzoor Ahmed


Sera from 735 Women of Child-bearing age (15-45 years) were tested for the presence of IgG
antibodies to toxoplasma gondii by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) technique, In
total 263 sera (35.78%) were positive for Toxoplasma antibodies. There was gradual increase in
prevalence with advancing age. Highly negative and statistically significant correlation was found
between toxoplasma infection and economic status (r = -0.947; p<0.02). Identical result was
revealed between educational status and toxo infection (P<0.05). There was no statistically
significant difference between married and un married groups as far as prevalence of Toxoplasma
antibodies was concerned. prevalence of toxoplasma infection was much higher in women who had
a cat as pet at home as compared to those who did not have a pet cat P<0.05. This epidemiological
model indicates that Faecal-oral spread by oocysts is the main cause of dissemination of infection
in Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Lodhi, M. S., Khan, M. A. slam, & Ahmed, M. (1993). SEROEPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY OF TOXOPLASMA GONDII INFECTION AMONG WOMEN OF CHILD BEARING AGE. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 6(2), 26–35. Retrieved from