
  • Mir Hassan Khan
  • Mujahid Akbar
  • Jahangir A. Khan
  • S. Humayun Shah
  • Zakir Ullah


Urine of 11600 subjects of Hazara Division were analysed between October, 1989 and
November, 1990. Age range was 10-70 years. Physical, chemical and microscopic composition were
observed. Most of the samples were pale yellow, had a volume of 1- 1.5 1/24 hrs and few of them
were turbid. pH and specific gravity were found in the range of 5-8 and 1.018-1.026 respectively.
369 cases of albuminuria, 205 cases of glycosuria and 93 cases of ketonuria were detected.
Jaundice was detected only in few individuals. The abnormal leukocytes, RBC, Epithelial cells,
Amorphous urates, Calcium oxalate crystals and Uric acid crystals were found in less than 12%
subjects. Different types of casts observed were negligible.


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How to Cite

Khan, M. H., Akbar, M., Khan, J. A., Shah, S. H., & Ullah, Z. (1991). A SURVEY OF URINALYSIS IN HAZARA POPULATION. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 4(1), 1–5. Retrieved from https://demo.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/4684