
  • Umar Draz
  • M. Zahoor Janjua


The protective role of paracetamol against rectified spirit (nonspecific injuring
agent) on the gastric mucosa of albino rat was observed under dissecting as well as
laboratory micro-scope. A dose of250 mg/kg body weight provided complete protection
under dissecting micro-scope. However, gum acacia with rectified spirit treatment
provided significant decrease in the erosion score. Under laboratory microscope a
significant increase in the thickness of the mucosa was observed in combined treatment
of paracetamol with rectified spirit as compared to rectified spirit alone or gum acacia
with rectified spirit. A slight exfoliation and flattening of the surface epithelium may
probably be due to increase in the secretory activity of chief cells. A significant increase
in the secretory activity of the mucous neck cells in the group treated with rectified spirit
plus paracetamol may be attributed to the increased bio-synthesis of prostaglandin from
the mucous neck cell, which provides partial protective role against ulcerogenic agent.


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How to Cite

Draz, U., & Janjua, M. Z. (1989). ROLE OF PARACETAMOL AGAINST THE EROSIVE ACTION OF RECTIFIED SPRIT ON STOMACH IN ALBINO RATS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 2(2’3), 26–33. Retrieved from