
  • M.W. RANA


Cytological screening by the use of the Papanicolaou smear has significantly reduced the
number of patients with advanced cervical cancers. Early detection, epidemiology, correct diagnosis
and treatment of early stages of cervical lesions have also been effective in control and prevention
of cervical cancers. But invasive carcinoma of the cervix is still an important aspect of the cervical
cancer problem. The greatest enigma at this time is the etiology, or predisposing factors, i.e., role of
male and role of herpes and papilloma viruses in the development of these lesions, which classifies
it as a sexually transmissible disease.1"4 This and other psychological and socio-economic factors
might hinder some patients from seeking early detection and prevention. There are still hundreds of
cases with advanced lesions reported in literature. Beyond stage II, radiation and chemotherapy are
the only treatment and may not be well tolerated by the patient. Serious complications due to
radiation therapy occur most frequently in advanced stages of this disease because of high doses of
radiation which are required to accomplish tumor control.5 It is, therefore, important to seek a
broader selection of modes of treatment for this cancer, especially in advanced stages.
It is now well established that hyperthermia kills cells in a manner as predictable and
repeatable as radiation and chemotherapy agents.6 Unlike ionizing radiation, hyperthermia kills both
hypoxic and well oxygenated cells.7 Furthermore, neoplastic cells tend to be more sensitive to hyperthermia than do normal cells.8 In addition, heat interacts with radiation and chemotherapeutic
agents.9"10 The role of prostaglandin, prostaglandin analogues, and prostaglandin inhibitors in the
treatment of cancer is still controversial. Misonidazol (RO-07--582) has been shown to be an
electron affinic hypoxic cell sensitizer.11,13 It minimizes the effect of oxygen as a reason for failure
in the radiation of hypoxic tumors.
We report here the effect of hyperthermia, radiation and chemotherapeutic agents, used
alone or in combination, on human carcinoma of the cervix transplanted into athymic (nude) mice,
which may offer a broader selection for the treatment of this lesion in human patients.


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How to Cite

RANA, M. (1988). HYPERTHERMIA AND RADIATION IN TREATMENT OF HUMAN SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF CERVIX XENOGRAFTED IN ATHYMIC MICE. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 1(3), 1–13. Retrieved from https://demo.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/4623