
  • Gul Muhammad
  • Aurang zeb
  • Shahid Sultan


The angiomyolipoma is an unusual tumour, composed of mature adipose tissue, blood vessels
and smooth muscle with supporting stroma. It is generally regarded as benign-hamartoma. Such
tumour may grow to a large size.
There is a well-recognized association between angiomyolipoma and tuberous sclerosis. In
such cases tumours are invariably multiple and frequently bilateral. They may enlarge to produce
palpable renal masses. This may also be found in patients lacking the stigmata of tuberous sclerosis
complex. Inglis (1960) and Price and Mostofi (1965) gave an excellent resume of condition in 30
patients free from tuberous sclerosis. The commonest presenting symptoms are loin pain and renal


Hajdu, S.I. and Foote, F.W. Angiomyolipoma of the Kidney. J. Urol. 1969; 102: 396-401.

Ma, M.K.G. and Chan, K.W. Renal angiomyolipoma. Brit. J. Surg. 1974; 46: 481- 484.

Bagley, D., Appell, R., Pingoud, E. and McGuire, E.J. Renal angiomyolipoma. Urology.

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Silbiger, M.L. and Peterson, C.C. Renal angiomyolipoma. J. Urol. 1971; 106: 363-365.

Walker, P.E., Barry, J.M. and Hodges, C.V. angiomyolipoma. Urology. 1976; 116: 122-


How to Cite

Muhammad, G., zeb, A., & Sultan, S. (1988). ANGIOMYOLIPOMA OF THE KIDNEY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 1(1), 28–30. Retrieved from