
  • Salman Yousuf Guraya
  • Muhammad Al Naami
  • Talal Al Tuwaijri
  • Maha Muhammad Irfan Arafah


Primary small bowel tumours are rare. However, alongwith stomach it is the most frequent site for
metastatic tumours, malignant melanoma being the commo nest tumour. The prevalence of
malignant melanoma in the gastrointestinal tract without any evidence of a primary lesion in the
skin or any other site is extremely rare.
Keywords: Malignant melanoma, Small bowel metastasis, S 100 protein


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How to Cite

Guraya, S. Y., Naami, M. A., Tuwaijri, T. A., & Arafah, M. M. I. (2007). MALIGNANT MELANOMA OF THE SMALL BOWEL WITH UNKNOWN PRIMARY: A CASE REPORT. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 19(1), 63–65. Retrieved from