
  • Abdus Salam Khan Gandapur
  • Modoodul Manan
  • Modoodul Manan
  • Ghazala Nazir
  • Naeen Uzma
  • Javaid Akhtar Chawla
  • Azhar Jadoon
  • Asya Tauqeer


Background: One of the important effects of exercise on human body is on the metabolic system
especially on lipids; elevated lipids and lipoprotein are risk factors for coronary heart disease. This
case-control study was conducted t o compare the lipid profile and apo-protein B levels in
sedentary workers and subjects involved in regular exercise. Methodology: The study was
conducted at Women Medical College Abbottabad, from July 2004 to January 2005. Subjects
were civilians and army men involved in regular exercise for more than 6 months duration (test
group) and sedentary workers (control group). The age, body weight, height, waist hip ratio and
other related findings were recorded on a special proforma. Fasting blood samples were taken and
were analyzed for lipid profile and apoprotein B levels. Statistical analysis was done by the Chi
square and the S tudent t tests and level of significance was recorded. Result: The subjects
comprised 29 army men, 24 civilians and 39 sedentary workers. Significant differences were
found between the control and test groups for WHR, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides,
Apo B, and Cholesterol/HDL ratio; in addition the civilian group also showed significant
differences from the control group in BMI values. Although LDL levels were lower in army than
sedentary group, the difference was statistically nonsignificant. Significant differences were found
between the army and civilian groups in age, HDL, Triglycerides and Apo B values. Conclusion:
Long term aerobic exercise has beneficial effects in decreasing Apo- protein B levels, LDL levels
and total cholesterol /HDL ratio. Exercise habits should be encouraged in general population to
decrease the cardiovascular disease risk.
Key Words: Exercise, lipid profile, apo-lipoprotein B.


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How to Cite

Gandapur, A. S. K., Manan, M., Manan, M., Nazir, G., Uzma, N., Chawla, J. A., … Tauqeer, A. (2006). COMPARISON OF LIPID PROFILE AND APOPROTEIN IN SEDENTARY WORKERS AND THOSE INVOLVED IN REGULAR EXERCISE. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 18(4), 16–20. Retrieved from