
  • Kiran Siddiqui
  • Abul Fazal Ali Khan


Background: The objective of this quasi experimental study was to compare the frequency of
wound infection between open cholecystectomy (OC) and laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC)
conducted in Surgical Unit IV, Jinnah Hospital Lahore from June 2005 to January 2006.
Methods: 100 patients undergoing elective cholecystectomy for symptomatic gallstones were
studied. The patients were allocated in the two groups of 50 each by simple random technique.
Group-I underwent OC and Group-II underwent LC. The patients were then followed up for four
weeks to pick up signs of wound infection. In case of infection, the degree of infection and the
remedial measures done were documented and the results analysed. Results: In LC group there
was only one case of Class- II wound infection i.e. 2%. In case of OC there were three cases of
wound infection i.e. 6%. Out of these, two were of Class-III and one of Class-II. Conclusion:
While there was no wound infection in cases of chronic Cholecystitis in both groups, the
frequency of wound infection was three times as common in OC as compared to LC in Acute
Cholecystitis / Empyema.
Key words: Open cholecystectomy (OC), Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC), Wound infection.


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How to Cite

Siddiqui, K., & Khan, A. F. A. (2006). COMPARISON OF FREQUENCY OF WOUND INFECTION: OPEN VS LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 18(3). Retrieved from