
  • Khalid M.Al Aboud
  • Ahmad M. Al Aboud
  • Khalid A.Al Hawsawi
  • V Ramesh


An award is something granted or given in
recognition of one's meritorious work. The value of
giving prizes to recognize exceptional work, and the
need to publicize such awards to enhance their value
cannot be disputed. In the field of medicine, there are
several international awards. These include, the King
Faisal International Prize for Medicine1,2, Nobel
Prize3, Prince Mahidol Award 4and Sheikh Hamdan
Bin Rashid Al Makhtoum Award for Medical
Sciences.5 In addition, there are many other
international awards for medicine, including the
Gairdner Foundation International awards for
outstanding biomedical research and the American
Medical Association (AMA) Foundation's
international awards in Medicine and Public Health
for Outstanding international service. Kuwait
foundation for advancement of sciences also gives
several medical awards.
The most famous one is the Nobel Prize for
Physiology or Medicine. It was first given in 1901.
The Nobel Prize is widely regarded as the single most
prestigious award given for intellectual achievement
in the world. The Nobel Prize was established from a
fund bequeathed for that purpose by the Swedish
inventor and industrialist Alfred Nobel in his will
drafted in 1895 for the award of five prizes annually
in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or
Medicine, Literature and Peace. A sixth for
Economics was added in 1968.
Part of the Nobel Prize's prestige stems from
the serious research that goes into the selection of the
prizewinners. Prizes may be given only to
individuals, except for the Peace Prize, which may be
given to an institution. Each Nobel Prize consists of a
gold medal, a diploma bearing a citation, and a sum
of money, the amount of which depends on the
income of the Nobel Foundation. A sum of
$1,120,000 accompanied each prize in 1996. A Nobel
Prize is given entirely to one person, divided equally
between two persons, or shared by three persons.
Table-1 shows the previous winners, in the last five
years, of Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine.


Al Aboud K,Al Aboud A,Al Hawsawi K .King Faisal

International Prize for Medicine.J Ayub Med Coll

Abbotabad 2005;17(3): 84-5

King Faisal International Prize-KFIP [homepage on the

Internet]. Riyadh:Saudi Arabia:King Faisal

Foundation:c2005[; cited 2006 Jan 28] Available at:

http://[homepage on the Internet].Sweden:The

Nobel Foundation: c2006 [last modified 2006

Jan28;cited 2006 Jan 28]Available at: http:


Prince Mahidol Awardees.[homepage on the

Internet].Bangkok:Thailand: Prince Mahidol Award

Foundation;c 1998 [;cited 2005 Dec 28] Available at:

Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for

Medical Sciences,Winners page[homepage on the

Internet] Dubai:United Arab Emirates: Sheikh Hamdan

Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Medical Sciences

[cited 2006 Jan 28]Available at:

Honors& Awards .American Academy of

Dermatology.63 annual meeting Program book.P46-49.

Zakon Prize [homepage on the Internet];The History of

Dermatology Society [cited 2006 Jan 28].Available at: (Accessed on 28 Jan

Walter R. Nickle Award for Excellence in Teaching of

Dermatopathology [homepage on the

Internet];American Society of Dermatopathology [cited

Jan 28] available

at: (Accessed on 28

Jan 2006)

IFPCS Visiting scientist Award [a section in a

homepage on the Internet];International Federation of

Pigment Cell Societies [cited 2006 Jan 28]. Available

at: (Accessed on 28

Jan 2006)


How to Cite

Aboud, K. M., Aboud, A. M. A., Hawsawi, K. A., & Ramesh, V. (2006). AWARDS IN MEDICINE AND DERMATOLOGY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 18(1). Retrieved from