
  • Jehangir Khan
  • Attique -ur- Rehman
  • Ashfaq Ali Shah
  • Asif Jielani


Background; Stroke is a frequent medical problem occurring in patients with hypertension and
other risk factors. The objective of this study was to find the frequency of hypertension as
important risk factor in stroke patients presenting at Medical 'B' unit of Ayub Teaching Hospital,
Abbottabad from November 2003 to January 2005. Methods: Patients who clinically presented
with features of stroke and then confirmed on C.T scan were included in this study. Other
underlying risk factors were diabetes mellitus, smoking, cardiovascular disease and dyslipidemia.
Result: Hypertension was found to be the most common risk factor in current study. Out of 91
cases, 51 (56.04%) were suffering from hypertension. Thirty five patients were male and sixteen
patients were female. Peak stroke prone age was 61-70 years in males and 51-60 years in females.
Conclusion: Hypertension is the leading risk factor of stroke. It is therefore essential to detect and
treat hypertension at its outset
Keywords: Stroke, Hypertension, Risk factors, CT scan


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How to Cite

Khan, J., Rehman, A. .- ur-., Shah, A. A., & Jielani, A. (2006). FREQUENCY OF HYPERTENSION IN STROKE PATIENTS PRESENTING AT AYUB TEACHING HOSPITAL. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 18(1). Retrieved from