
  • Muhammad Nawaz
  • Muhammad Jehanzaib
  • Khalid Khan
  • Mohammad Zari


Background: Peptic ulcer is a sore in the protective lining (mucosal lining) of the gastrointestinal
tract and develops when the lining is damaged. The objectives of this Descriptive Validational study
were to determine the validity of Barium Meal examination in the diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease in
comparison to the gold standard, i.e., endoscopic evaluation in peptic ulcer disease. The study was
conducted at Radiology Department Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar from November 2000 to
March 2004. Methods: A total of 115 patients with signs and symptoms of peptic ulcer disease were
selected for this study and were subjected for this diagnostic modality. The diagnosis of
benign/malignant peptic ulcer was made by barium meal examinations. In all these patients the
diagnosis was later on confirmed by endoscopy and or surgery. Results: Of the 115 patients, 80
were male and 35 were female patients. Their ages ranged from 27-75 years with mean age of 49
years. Fifty two patients had duodenal ulcer, 30 patients gastric ulcer, and 33 patients had normal
radiological findings. In 6 out of 30 patients with gastric ulcer had radiological evidence of
malignant gastric ulcer. Conclusion: Efficiency of Barium meal examination in diagnosis of peptic
ulcer is good and most of peptic ulcers can be diagnosed by this method.
Keyword: Barium meal, Peptic ulcer, Endoscopy.


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How to Cite

Nawaz, M., Jehanzaib, M., Khan, K., & Zari, M. (2008). ROLE OF BARIUM MEAL EXAMINATION IN DIAGNOSIS OF PEPTIC ULCER. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 20(4), 59–61. Retrieved from