
  • Haji Khan Khoharo
  • Shuaib Ansari
  • Allauddin Abro
  • Fatima Qureshi


Accidental or intentional Isoniazid poisoning may manifest within half to three hours as
intractable seizure, acidosis, and coma. Single high dose of pyridoxine was used as an antidote
with good response as reported earlier. Ingestion of more than 80 mg/kg body weight produces
severe central nervous system symptoms and a dose of 125 mg/kg is potentially lethal if not
promptly treated. We report a case of suicidal attempt with use of Isoniazid, who developed grand
mal seizures and was controlled with diazepam and symptomatic treatment.
Keywords: Isoniazid, INH, grand mal, suicidal attempt, poisoning


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How to Cite

Khoharo, H. K., Ansari, S., Abro, A., & Qureshi, F. (2009). SUICIDAL ISONIAZID POISONING. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 21(2), 178–179. Retrieved from