
  • Saraj Uddin Sajid
  • Stefan Schwarz


Background: Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis is an important frequently reported zoonotic
pathogen and a common cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. The highly conserved Serospecific plasmids (SSPs) and Salmonella plasmid virulence (Spv) genes have been shown to
mediate extra-intestinal colonization and systemic infection. The objective of current study was to
document the presence of SSPs and SpvB/SpvC genes prevailing in the indigenous population of
serovar Enteritidis. Methods: A total of 48 epidemiologically unrelated strains of Salmonella
enteritidis were included in the study. Preparation of plasmids DNA suitable for endonuclease
digestion and separation of respective fragments by agarose gel electrophoresis followed
previously described protocols. The plasmids of Escherichia coli V517, 1-kbp ladder, and λ DNA
HindIII fragments served as DNA size standards. Transfer of DNA fragments from agarose gels to
nitrocellulose membranes was achieved by capillary blot procedure. An ECL labeled 3.6 kbp
HindIII fragment of plasmid PRQ 51 was used as probe for SpvB/SpvC gene detection. Results:
Plasmid DNA fingerprinting revealed the presence of two different profiles of approximately 55
kbp and 90 kbp and were identified as virulence plasmids by DNA hybridization. The SpvB/SpvC
genes were located on HindIII fragments of 3.6 kbp in each of the two types of virulence plasmids.
Conclusion: The study confirms the presence of SSPs and SpvB/SpvC genes in indigenous strains
of S. enteritidis isolated from Northern Punjab area of Pakistan and substantiate the previous data
on such findings from other parts of the world.
Keywords: Salmonella enteritidis; virulence plasmids, SpvB/SpvC genes


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