
  • Ayesha Laraib Ayub Medical College Abbottabad
  • Ayesha Sajjad Ayub Medical College Abbottabad
  • Adan Sardar Ayub Medical College Abbottabad
  • Mohammad Salim Wazir Ayub Medical College Abbottabad
  • Zainab Nazneen Ayub Medical College Abbottabad


Background: Mental Health problems are widespread globally and are the leading causes of disability. The lives of people living with mental illnesses are often drastically altered by the symptoms of the illness and made worse by the society's reaction. Stigmatizing attitude among general population is prevalent. Relatively less research has been done to explore the attitude of health care providers towards mental illness especially so in Pakistan. This study aims to investigate views of healthcare providers of Abbottabad regarding mental illnesses. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in major hospitals and medical institutes of Abbottabad wherein 640 self-administered questionnaires based on Opening Minds Scale for Healthcare Providers (OMS-HC) were distributed among healthcare providers selected through non-probability convenience sampling; 553 (86.41%) were returned. Data was collected from June to September 2016 and analyzed using SPSS-16.0. Results: The mean age of the participants is 26.12 years±7.612. Majority 346 (62%) were medical students, 60 (10.8%) were teachers, 50 (9%) were house officers, 70 (12.7%) were trainee medical officers, 27 (4.9%) were consultants. There were 313 (56.6%) females. The highest degree of stigma was observed among the '˜Attitudes' of the people while it was relatively lower in Disclosure and Help Seeking domain and least in the factor of Social Distance. Conclusion: Stigma associated with mental illness is prevalent among healthcare providers.

Keywords: Mental illness; Stigma; Health Care Providers; Attitude; Social Distance; Help seeking; Disclosure

Author Biographies

Ayesha Laraib, Ayub Medical College Abbottabad

Final Year Medical Student MBBS

Ayesha Sajjad, Ayub Medical College Abbottabad

Final Year Student MBBS

Adan Sardar, Ayub Medical College Abbottabad

Final Year Medical Student MBBS

Mohammad Salim Wazir, Ayub Medical College Abbottabad

Head Of Community Department.Ayub Medical College Atd.

Zainab Nazneen, Ayub Medical College Abbottabad

Dr/Teacher.Community Department Abbottabad.


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How to Cite

Laraib, A., Sajjad, A., Sardar, A., Wazir, M. S., & Nazneen, Z. (2018). PERSPECTIVE ABOUT MENTAL ILLNESSES: A SURVEY OF HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS OF ABBOTTABAD. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 30(1), 97–102. Retrieved from