
  • Muhammad Naqaish Sadiq
  • Abdus Salam Arif
  • Sulman Jaffar
  • Jagdish Bhatia


Background: A pterygium is a fibro-vascular, wing shaped encroachment of the conjunctiva on to the
cornea. The prevalence rates ranges from 0.7 to 31% among different populations and also influenced
by age, race, and exposure to solar radiations. Ultraviolet light-induced damage to the limbal stem cell
barrier with subsequent conjunctivalisation of the cornea is the currently accepted aetiology of this
condition. Indication of surgery include visual impairment, cosmetic disfigurement, motility restriction,
recurrent inflammation and interference with contact lens wear. This Study was conducted to know the
safety, efficacy and success with supero-temporal free conjunctivo-limbal auto graft transplantation in
the surgical management of pterygium. Methods: Prospective case series where supero temporal free
conjunctivo-limbal auto grafting was performed on 72 eyes of 72 patients with vascular progressive
pterygia. Pterygium recurrence was considered a surgical failure. Recurrence was defined as fibro
vascular tissue crossing the corneo-scleral limbus on to the clear cornea in the area of previous
pterygium excision before 6 months. Results: Recurrence of pterygium was noted in three out of 72
eyes (4.16%), after a minimum follow up of 12 months to maximum of 25 months (Mean 14.6
months). No major intra-operative or postoperative complications were encountered. Conclusion:
Supero temporal free conjunctivo-limbal auto graft appears to be a safe and effective technique in the
surgical management of pterygium. The inclusion of limbal tissue in the conjunctival auto graft
following pterygium excision appears to be essential to ensure low recurrence rate.
Keywords: Conjunctival auto graft, limbal transplantation, pterygium, recurrence


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How to Cite

Sadiq, M. N., Arif, A. S., Jaffar, S., & Bhatia, J. (2009). USE OF SUPERO-TEMPORAL FREE CONJUNCTIVO-LIMBAL AUTOGRAFT IN THE SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF PTERYGIUM: OUR TECHNIQUE AND RESULTS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 21(4), 121–124. Retrieved from