
  • Mohammad Ayub Musani
  • Yousuf Khambaty
  • Itrat Jawed
  • Faheem Ahmed Khan
  • Khalid A. Ashrafi


We report a very unusual case of foreign body (FB) in the tracheo-bronchial tract of a male child,
who presented to us in the Emergency Department at our tertiary care centre with the complaint of
FB in throat, cough bouts and choking sensation with pain and difficulty in breathing for whom an
emergency rigid endoscopy was carried out after appropriate investigations.
Keywords: Foreign body, tracheo-bronchial tract, management, unusual


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How to Cite

Musani, M. A., Khambaty, Y., Jawed, I., Khan, F. A., & Ashrafi, K. A. (2010). AN UNUSUAL FOREIGN BODY IN TRACHEA. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(1), 178–179. Retrieved from