
  • MS Alam
  • N Naila


Band heterotopias are one of the rarest groups of congenital disorder that result in variable degree
of structural abnormality of brain parenchyma. Band of heterotopic neurons result from a
congenital or acquired deficiency of the neuronal migration.1 MRI is the examination of choice for
demonstrating these abnormalities because of the superb gray vs. white matter differentiation,
detail of cortical anatomy and ease of multiplanar imaging.2 We report a case of band heterotopia
that showed a bilateral band of gray matter in deep white matter best demonstrated on T2 Wt. and
FLAIR images.
Keywords: Heterotopia, congenital, deep white matter


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How to Cite

Alam, M., & Naila, N. (2010). BAND HETEROTOPIA. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(2), 208–209. Retrieved from