
  • SAA Shah
  • A Aslam
  • AI Mirza
  • S Ali


Bisphosphonates are used widely for a variety of bone conditions, most notably intravenous
bisphosphonate in the treatment of metastatic bone lesions and multiple myeloma and oral
bisphosphonates for osteoporosis. Recently, a peculiar form of osteonecrosis limited to the jaws has
been discovered especially with the use of intravenous bisphosphonates. We review briefly the
mechanism of action of these drugs, the clinical features and staging of the disease, prevention
strategies and management options.
Keyword: BRONJ, Multiple myeloma, Hyperbaric oxygen


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How to Cite

Shah, S., Aslam, A., Mirza, A., & Ali, S. (2010). BISPHOSPHONATE RELATED OSTEONECROSIS OF THE JAWS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 214–217. Retrieved from