
  • Lubna Noor
  • S Sadiq Shah
  • Yasir Adnan
  • Shah Sawar
  • Shahab ud Din
  • Amina Amina
  • Zahid Aslam Awan
  • Kamran Bangash
  • Saeed Ahmed
  • Aqal Dad


Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is no more deemed to be an ailment of the 4th or
5th decade; rather an earlier age incidence is not infrequently encountered in our population.
However, there are a few data regarding CAD in young adults, and much about its underlying
pathology still remains undetermined. The objective of this study was to delineate the coronary
arterial disease pattern in adults under the age of 35 years, but having no known coronary risk
factors. Methods: This prospective study was conducted at the Cardiology Departments of all 3
public sector tertiary care hospitals in Peshawar from Jun 2008 to Dec 2009. After having
excluded the traditional risk factors for CAD, patients under the age of 35 years with objective
evidence of CAD were subjected to percutaneous coronary angiography. Results: Out of a total
of 104 patients, 85 (81.73%) patients were men, and 19 (18.27%) were women. The mean age
of the whole group was 32.66±3.237 (22-35) years. Significant CAD (>50% diameter
narrowing of at least one major coronary artery) was found in 87 (83.7%) patients while 17
(16.3%) patients had non-atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, including 12 (11.53%) patients
having normal coronary arteries, 1 (1%) patient had anomalous origin of right coronary artery
(RCA), 1 (1%) patient had coronary arteritis, 2 (1.92%) patients had coronary artery ectasia, and
1 (1%) patient had a myocardial bridge over left anterior descending artery (LAD). Among the
patients with significant CAD, the prevalence rate of one, two and three vessel disease was 54
(51.9%), 22 (21.2%) and 11 (10.6%) respectively. Almost 50% of the lesions occurred in LAD
followed by 25% in RCA and 20% in circumflex, while only one patient (1%) had isolated
significant CAD of left main coronary artery. Osteal segments were involved in 10%, proximal
in 61%, mid in 21% and distal segments in 7% of the lesions. Conclusion: In the younger age
group, CAD is mostly a disease of men, single vessel CAD predominates with LAD
involvement mostly, predominant osteal to proximal segment involvement of vessels, and a
much higher incidence of normal coronaries and non-obstructive CAD is met with.
Keywords: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Myocardial infarction (MI), Coronary
Angiography, Risk Factors


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How to Cite

Noor, L., Shah, S. S., Adnan, Y., Sawar, S., Din, S. ud, Amina, A., … Dad, A. (2010). PATTERN OF CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE WITH NO RISK FACTORS UNDER AGE 35 YEARS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(4), 115–119. Retrieved from