
  • Sania Tanweer Khattak
  • Muhammad Khan
  • Tabassum Naheed
  • Imran ud Din Khattak
  • Muhammad Ismail


Background: Anencephaly is a fatal congenital abnormality characterised by absence of cerebral
hemisphere and cranial vault. Overall incidence of anencephaly is 3.8-6.0/1,000 births. This study
was conducted to determine the prevalence, diagnosis and management of anencephaly in District
Swat. Methods: This Prospective study was carried out over a period of one year from January
2007 to December 2007 at Saidu Teaching Hospital/Saidu Medical College Swat. Pregnant
women having foetuses with neural tube defects (NTDs) admitted in Labour Room/Obstetric
Ward of the Saidu Teaching Hospital Swat were selected as subjects. Those women who delivered
normal babies were taken as control subjects. A proper history was taken from each subject and all
the relevant information were recorded on a proforma. Results: A total of 5,560 subjects were
included in this study. Out of them, 69 were having NTDs, 63 had anencephaly, 4 had spina
bifida, and 2 foetuses were having multiple neural tube defects. Prevalence of anencephaly was
11.33/1000 births and that of spina bifida was 0.72/1000 births. Eighty percent (80%) anencephaly
and 50% spina bifida were diagnosed by ultrasonography. Most of the cases (52, 75.36%) were
delivered through normal vaginal delivery after induction. Twelve (17.40%) had spontaneous
vaginal delivery, 4 (5.80%) had caesarean section, and hysterectomy was done in 1 (1.45%).
Conclusion: Anencephaly is common congenital anomaly in Swat. Complications can be
prevented by implementing screening program for early diagnosis, treatment, and management.
Prevalence can be decreased by folic acid supplementation periconceptionally.
Keywords: Anencephaly, Neural tube defects, prevalence, spina bifida


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How to Cite

Khattak, S. T., Khan, M., Naheed, T., Khattak, I. ud D., & Ismail, M. (2010). PREVALENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF ANENCEPHALY AT SAIDU TEACHING HOSPITAL, SWAT. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(4), 61–63. Retrieved from