
  • Javed Akhter Rathore
  • Zulfiqar Ali Kango
  • Adnan Mehraj


Background: The stroke is third leading cause of death in world and 10% of patients with an acute
ischemic stroke die within 30 days. Various clinical variables have been implicated as predictors of
final outcome of acute stroke. The study was aimed to identify predictors of mortality after an acute
stroke. Material and Methods: This prospective study included 149 consecutive patients of acute
Hospital Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir. The outcome as mortality measures used were Modified
Ranking Scale (mRS) and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Examination included clinical, neurological
evaluation, laboratory tests, and brain CT. The follow-ups at 14 days were done for all patients.
Results: Hospital mortality was 17.4 % (26/149) within 14 days. Age and gender had no impact on
mortality. Hypertension (p=0.008), smoking (p=0.056)), brain infarction (p=<0.001), hemorrhagic
stroke (p=<0.001), diabetes (p=0.292), atrial fibrillation (p<0.001), high mRS (p<0.001), low GCS
score (p<0.001), on admission were important predictors of mortality. Conclusions: We report 17.4%
mortality at 14 days. Mortality associated with acute stroke needs prevention and control of risk factors.
Keywords: acute stroke; predictors; mortality, Glasgow Coma Scale, Modified Ranking Scale


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How to Cite

Rathore, J. A., Kango, Z. A., & Mehraj, A. (2011). PREDICTORS OF MORTALITY AFTER ACUTE STROKE A PROSPECTIVE HOSPITAL BASED STUDY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 23(2), 144–146. Retrieved from