
  • Saleh Muhammad Tareen
  • Masroor Ahmad Bajwa
  • Mohammad Masood Tariq
  • Shakeel Babar
  • Abdul Malik Tareen


Background: Pancytopenia is a recognisable haematological problem with common categorises
diagnosis but best possible diagnostic approach is still to be defined. Objective: The aim of this study
was to determine the frequent causes and clinical presentation of pancytopenia in relation to age and sex
in different ethnic groups of two national (Pakistani and Afghan) living in Baluchistan province.
Methods: This is a cross sectional descriptive type of study was carried out on patients (n=180) for two
years (July 2009-June 2011). Cases were successively registered in 2 provincial government hospital
and 2 private clinics in Quetta with diagnosis of pancytopenia. Results: The most frequent causes of
pancytopenia in both national ethnic groups were malaria (29.44%) fallowed by tuberculosis (17.22%),
leukaemia (16.67%), aplastic anaemia (13.33%), hepatitis (12.22%), other diseases (7.22%) and iron
deficiency anaemia (3.89%). Overall, 63.89% male subjects were observed pancytopenia as compared to
36.11% female patients. The results also showed that patients with age >41 years were highly (50%)
affected by pancytopenia followed by 21-40 years (30.66%) and <20 years (19.44%). Moreover,
leukaemia cases were observed significantly higher in Afghan subjects (>41 years). The most common
symptom of patients was (71.11%) fever followed by Pallor (42.22%), fatigue (38.33%), weight loss
(26.11%) and dizziness (25.56%). Leukaemia and aplastic anaemia were found to be the most serious
causes of pancytopenia in Afghan ethnic group. Conclusions: Malaria, tuberculosis, aplastic anaemia,
and leukaemia were the leading causes of pancytopenia in Pakistani and Afghan ethnic groups. Severe
pancytopenia has significant relation with the clinical conclusion and can be used as a prognostic marker.
Keywords: Pancytopenia, Ethnic groups, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leukaemia


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How to Cite

Tareen, S. M., Bajwa, M. A., Tariq, M. M., Babar, S., & Tareen, A. M. (2011). PANCYTOPENIA IN TWO NATIONAL ETHNIC GROUPS OF BALUCHISTAN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 23(2), 82–86. Retrieved from