
  • Bushra Khan
  • Farhat Deeba
  • Samina Naseem Khattak


Background: Maternal mortality ratio of a country is indicative of its health and
development status. Information on maternal mortality is required to determine this status
and to set priorities for policy making and programmatic and operation research strategies.
This study was conducted to determine the causes of maternal mortality in a tertiary care
hospital. Methods: This study was conducted in Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
B Unit, Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad, from January 2002 to January 2012. Data of all
the pregnant patients admitted to Obs/Gyn Unit '˜B' Labour Room were retrospectively
collected and reviewed for the causes of direct maternal deaths. Results: There were 21,120
deliveries during the study period. Out of these, there were 163 maternal deaths. The
maternal mortality ratio was calculated as 772 per 100,000 live births. Direct maternal
deaths constituted 143 (87.7%) and indirect deaths were responsible for 20 (12.3%) deaths.
Haemorrhage was the leading cause of maternal death and was responsible for 43.55% of
maternal deaths, while eclampsia was observed in 26.99% of maternal deaths. In 6.13% of
patients rupture uterus was the cause of maternal death. Conclusion: Maternal mortality in
our part of the world is high and most of the causes of maternal death remain haemorrhage
and eclampsia. Haemorrhage which is the leading cause of maternal death is both
predictable and preventable, if proper peripartum care is provided, maternal mortality can
be reduced.
Keywords: Maternal mortality, Eclampsia, Septicaemia, Haemorrhage, Pulmonary


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How to Cite

Khan, B., Deeba, F., & Khattak, S. N. (2012). MATERNAL MORTALITY: A TEN YEAR REVIEW IN A TERTIARY CARE SETUP. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 24(3-4), 124–127. Retrieved from