
  • Babar Tasneem Shaikh
  • Arslan Mazhar
  • Shahzad Ali Khan
  • Assad Hafeez


Globally, a billion people cannot seek appropriate and timely healthcare because they are not coveredunder any social protection and health insurance system. Countries where government financing forhealth care is meagre, the situation is even worse. Pakistan with its slowly improving indicators ofmaternal and child health makes a classical case for instigating a social protection mechanism for thepoor segments of population. The Government safety nets are unable to cater the large proportion ofpoor population. NGOs partially cover the rural areas where majority of the vulnerable population livesbut need to expand their scope of work. Donors have presented variety of models and frameworkswhich were seldom considered in the concerned quarters. All stakeholders ought to strategise theirplans to adopt and scale up the successful interventions (vouchers, cash transfers, micro-credits,community based insurance etc) which have been operating but on a very small scale or for other typesof health services, but none for reproductive health care per se. Adoption of risk pooling mechanismsand provision of accessible and quality reproductive health services seems feasible through ameaningful and integrated public private partnership in the times to come.Keywords: Social protection, Health financing, Reproductive health, Health System


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