
  • Iram Manzoor
  • Aneeqa Mumtaz
  • Marriam Habib
  • Sana Tariq
  • Mahreen Elahee
  • Iram Javaid


Background: Lectures are considered most effective mode of information transfer amongst teachers andstudents in medical education, but in recent years there has been a noticeable decline in the attendance oflectures. Our objective was to assess the reasons of medical students’ disinterest in lectures. Methods: Across-sectional survey was conducted in Department of Community Medicine, Fatima Memorial Collegeof Medicine and Dentistry from December 2010 to June 2011. A non-probability technique ofconsecutive sampling was used to collect 307 participants from all five years of MBBS. Reasons ofdisinterest of medical students were asked in the questionnaire. The data was analysed on SPSS-17, Chisquare test was applied and p-value was fixed at ≤0.05 as significant. Results: Factors affecting thelecture attendance of these medical students include distance of residence from the college 215 (70%),strictness of teacher in marking attendance 227 (73.9%), interest in subject 216 (70.4%), subject is part ofexamination 257 (83.7%), and university requirement 249 (81.1%). The personality traits of teacheraffecting attendance of medical students in lectures include good communication 216 (70.4%), commandon subject 194 (63.2%), students’ interaction in class 180 (58.6%), friendly attitude 202 (65.8%), goodcontrol on class 163 (53.1%), punctuality 100 (32.6%), sense of humour 160 (52.1%), and humanebehaviour 135 (44%). Conclusion: The interest of medical students can be enhanced and betterattendance achieved with slight modifications in identified reasons.Keywords: Medical students, Attendance, Lectures, Medical Education


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