
  • Mushtaq Ahmad
  • Sanaullah Jan


Background: Patients with diabetes often develop ocular complications. The most common and mostblinding of these complications, however, is diabetic retinopathy. The objective of this study was tocompare the retinal neovessels regression in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) treated with PanRetinal Photocoagulation (PRP) versus panretinal photocoagulation plus Intra Vitreal Bevacizumab(IVB). Methods: A comparative study was conducted at Khyber Institute of Ophthalmic MedicalSciences, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar from 1st October 2010 to 31st August 2011. A totalof 54 eyes were randomised into two groups. Neovessels status was assessed before and at every followup visit. Neo Vessels on the Disc (NVDs) were assessed as per percentage of NVD occupying the discsurface whereas Neo Vessels Elsewhere (NVE) were also assessed as per reference to disc surfacediameter. Results: Neovascularization on the disc was 40±5% at presentation which increased to50±7% on 30th day and stabilised to 40±6% on day 90 in PRP group. In PRP-plus group, 40±7% NVDregressed to 10±5% on 30th day and 11±3% on day 90. The NVE in PRP group was 2±0.75% atbaseline, 2.25±0.75% on 30th day, and 2.00±0.50% on day 90. In PRP-plus group it was 2±0.50% atbaseline, 1±0.5% on day 30, and 0.75±0.25% on day 90. On day 90 both the groups had highlysignificant different NVD (p=0.00008) and NVE (p=0.0001). Conclusion: Intra Vitreal Bevacizumabin short term is effective as adjunctive treatment to PRP with early and higher rate of retinal neovesselsregression than PRP alone in PDR patients.Keywords: Panretinal Photocoagulation, Diabetic Retinopathy, Intravitreal Bevacizumab


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