Background: Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) is considered the gold standard for the surgical treatment of BPH. Irrigant fluid absorption by the patient is a potentially serious complication of TURP and can lead to dilutional hyponatremia and TURP syndrome. Other common complications of TURP include urinary tract infection and secondary haemorrhage. The objective of this study was to compare the frequency of postoperative complications (Urinary Tract infection and dilutional hyponatremia) between 1.5% glycine and sterile distilled water used as irrigant in BPH patients after TURP. Methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted in department of Urology, PIMS Islamabad, from August 2013 to February 2014. A total of 170 adult male patients between 50-80 years of age undergoing TURP with prostate volume more than 30cc on ultrasound. 85 patients each were randomly allocated to two groups. In group-A, glycine was used as irrigant solution during TURP while in group-B distilled water was used. Serum sodium levels were measured at 6th postoperative hour to look for dilutional hyponatremia. On the 15th postoperative day they were inquired about any clinical features of urinary tract infection. Also urine routine examination was performed to look for the presence of WBCs in the urine. Results: Post-operative dilutional hyponatremia was observed in 13 (15.3%) patients in Group A and in 10 (11.8%) patients in group-B. The difference between both the groups being non-significant (p-value=0.501).Frequency of postoperative urinary tract infection on 15th postoperative day in group-A was 23(27.1%) while in group-B it was 16 (18.8%), the difference among both the groups being insignificant (p-value=0.202). Conclusion: Although the frequency of postoperative complications like UTI and dilutional hyponatremia was less with sterile distilled water, yet, the difference was statistically not significant.Keyword: TURP, Benign Prostatic hyperplasia, Irrigant solutions, Dilutional Hyponatremia, Urinary Tract InfectionReferences
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